The Walls Do Not Fall Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Who are Jehovah, Isis, and Aset?

    The three names are mentioned in the second poem and the four names are linked to the idea of helplessness. The name Jehovah appears in the Bible and it is one of the names given to God. The name appeared in the original texts but was replaced by the term LORD in most Bibles. There are still some translations that use the term today but it was replaced by the generic term LORD or God in most cases. Isis is another name that appears and Isis was the name given to one of the major goddesses in the Ancient Egypt. She became one of the most important Goddesses in Egypt and was worshiped by many, being considered as a protector and as having the power to control fate. The name Aset also refers to the Egyptian Goddess Isis though it does not appear as often as the name Isis.

  2. 2

    What is the Caduceus mentioned in the third poem?

    In the third poem the author mentions the existence of a scepter that has the power to bring the dead back to life. She then mentions the Caduceus, linking it to the power of resurrecting the dead. The Caduceus appears in the Greek mythology and it is depicted as being Hermes’s staff. However, in the Greek mythology, neither the God nor the staff has the power to resurrect the dead or to heal. It is rather used as a symbol for different trades and to make reference to the God Hermes.

  3. 3

    Why does the author call herself a worm and a parasite?

    In multiple poems in the collection, the author refers to herself as being a worm and a parasite who feeds on whatever substance she finds and who thrives no matter the environment she finds herself in. through this, the author wants to transmit the idea that despite the circumstances, she will never give up on life and that she will continue to do everything she can to survive. Through this comparison, the author shows that she does not care how she is perceived as long as she survives and is well.

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