The Walls Do Not Fall Summary

The Walls Do Not Fall Summary

In the first poem from the collection, the author mentions two names from antiquity, Thoth and Hermes. She then goes on to mention how even though people throughout history destroyed books and manuscripts, they still demanded to be given more. She reveals that the reason why people want more books is because the written word survives the test of time and that people want something more powerful than time.

In the second poem, the author describes a country where evil dominated everyone’s lives and where good was almost nonexistent. She then goes to mention the names of various Gods and deities, be them present and how evil robbed the Gods of their powers. In the next poem, the author mentions the existence of a magic scepter that has the power to bring the Gods back to life and she expresses her faith in it.

In the fourth poem, the author talks about the power of the sea-shells and of their magic. Despite all the influences from the outside, the sea-shells remain unaffected and in the same condition as before. The author calls them immortal and no pull can be strong enough to affect the sea-shells.

In the next poem, the author mentions once more the Gods and how she felt protected by them. When the old Gods died, the author finds herself a new God, Love, whom she calls her master.

In another poem, she talks about her nature, calling herself a worm and calling herself not worthy of getting beautiful things in life. However, despite agreeing that she is not worthy of praise, she calls herself persistent and she is happy to explore the environment the wind takes her. She is also determined to try and find the beauty in everything that surrounds her and to survive, no matter the circumstances.

The next poem is a short one and the author addresses the Gods and describes the way they are dressed and how they present themselves while also urging them to wear their clothes with dignity.

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