The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the leading cause of the quarrel between Ivanovich and Nikiforovich?

    Both Ivanovich and Nikiforovich are friends and neighbors in Mirgorod, but they are dissimilar in different ways. People see these friends as gentlemen, but they have differences that make them distinguishable. For instance, their interests and expectations are dissimilar. When Ivanovich develops an interest in owning a gun, he remembers that his friend, Nikifiorovich, has one, and he goes to buy it in exchange for anything he wants. However, Nikiforovich sees his gun as a treasure and something that he is not ready to sell. Nikiforovich tells Ivanovich that for him to get the gun, he must kiss his Pig. Ivanovich refuses, and Nikiforovich insults him by calling him a goose, which is the basis of their quarrel. After the conflict, the friendship between Ivanovich and Nikiforovich becomes unsustainable.

  2. 2

    What is the figurative meaning of the character, Nikiforovich?

    The author uses the character, Nikiforovich emblematically, to epitomize the inconsequential things that destroy human relationships. For instance, the reader realizes that Ivanovich and Nikiforovich are two great distinguished gentlemen who are good friends. However, at one time, Nikiforovich insults his friend, and their friendship gets sour. The author shows the reader that insignificant behaviors, such as jokes and insults, are morally wrong because they endanger relationships and companies that have been built for ages.

  3. 3

    What is satirical about the character Ivanovich?

    The author's depiction of the character Ivanovich contradicts the readers' reality. The author portrays Ivanovich as a humane individual with a good heart who is always ready to help the needy people in society. However, the reader discovers that Ivanovich is not the right person, as portrayed by the author. For instance, Ivanovich turns away a poor woman who comes to ask for aid. Ivanovich tells her that God will help her in solving her problems.

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