The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The quarrel between I. Ivanovich and I. Nikiforovich (Allegory)

The author allegorically shows how unimportant, insignificant things can affect one’s life. Just one word, said by one man, spoiled his relations with his best friend for the rest of life. And there are a lot of such things/words/actions in our life, doing/saying which, we don’t realize their huge influence on our destiny. And at the same time this quarrel shows narrow-mindedness of the characters, their lack of common sense.

The shed (Symbol)

The shed stands here as a symbol of the quarrel between the heroes. “This shed, so hateful to Ivan Ivanovitch, was constructed with diabolical swiftness — in one day.” As well as the quarrel began in one moment, because of one unwary word, the shed was built, like a wall, between the heroes’ yards, and was “called up” to rankle, aggravate the quarrel.

The plaints

The plaints, which were written by the protagonists in order to pillory, condemn each other, are also symbols of their stubbornness. They contain all the heroes’ thoughts and emotions concerning each other and express their attitude towards one other. And once these plaints were stolen by a pig. This situation shows the absurdity, foolishness of this quarrel, the author’s mockery of it.

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