The Shadowy Third and Other Stories Themes

The Shadowy Third and Other Stories Themes


Almost every person has ever been in love with someone who is definitely seen as unattainable. It is usually an artist, a singer, or any other media personality. The truth is that it is easier to love someone you don’t know than work on real relationship. Margaret’s infatuation with Doctor Maradick is superficial, for she doesn’t know anything about him. She sees only what he wants her to see, hiding less attractive features behind a mask of chivalry. Margaret’s disappointment in him reminds us about importance of not creating faux idols. As people say, nobody is perfect.

Blind love

Love is blind. When people fall in love, they tend to ignore everything negative. It is difficult to think rationally when there are butterflies in a stomach and even the sun seems to shine brightly. Mrs. Maradick is so much in love with Doctor Maradick that she fails to notice all the warning signs. As the result, she is betrayed and robbed. What the author tries to say is that one has to be careful and value and judge deeds. Ronald Maradick’s promises and words are sweet, but they are all faux. Love is a beautiful feeling but blind love is a dangerous one.


When something bad happens to us, we want to get back at an offender, see that person suffer as much as we do. However, this need for revenge is a rather destructive and dangerous feeling. What one has to learn to do is to let the past go. For instance, Mrs. Maradick doesn’t beg Margaret to avenge her and the child. Though she understands that her husband wins, she doesn’t let bitterness take over her. All in all, life itself is going to put everything as it should be. Doctor Maradick forgets that it is impossible to build happiness on someone else’s grief.

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