The King's Stilts Literary Elements

The King's Stilts Literary Elements


Children’s adventure

Setting and Context

Kingdom of Binn

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narration

Tone and Mood

Light-hearted, comedic

Protagonist and Antagonist

Eric is the main protagonist; Lord Droon is the antagonist

Major Conflict

The conflict occurs when Lord Droon persuades Eric to steal the stilts which leaves the King feeling miserable and disheartened to rule.


The climax is reached when Eric recovers the stilts and Lord Droon’s actions are thwarted. The kingdom is happy and prosperous again.


The theft of the stilts is foreshadowed early on in the story when the narrator reveals just how much the King loves them and just how much Lord Droon detests them.


Eric the Pageboy is underestimated for his bravery and courage in standing up to Lord Droon and doing what is right.


There are allusions to overcoming adversity despite being the underdog, as shown by Eric and Lord Droon.


There is a very funny imagery of the King walking around in stilts, ruling over his kingdom. This makes the young reader laugh at how ridiculous it would look.


Lord Droon and the King are a paradox as the two are so different in personality and have two very different ways of ruling the Kingdom.


There are parallels drawn with Lord Droon and that of a bully or a person in a higher position of power trying to oppress others.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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