The Doctor Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Doctor Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Testicle ( “Witness”)

The testicle is figurative of torture, that is why the doctor opts to surgically take it out from the boy’s body. Furthermore, it is a representation of the death of the boy’s manhood if at all he lives to be a man.

The dark bruise ( “Witness”)

The dark bruise, which the doctor mistakes for a birthmark initially, is representational of the boy’s agony. The boy has accustomed himself to thump the bruise as a means of communicating and each time he thumps the bruise it darkens; seems like the bruise will never heal completely.

The Symbol of the heart (“Whither Thou Goest”)

The heart is emblematic of “ miracles of modern science.''The heart that Pope Henry use was resettled to his body after , arguably, his original heart crashed. The working of the heart is phenomenal as it was detached from the body of a brain-dead man.

The Symbol of a letter (“Whither Thou Goest”)

The letters that Hannah sends Pope Henry are representational of tenacity. She sends the letters importunately even when the rejoinders that she gets from Pope’s wife, who replies to most of them, are cautionary as they elucidate that the Pope’s do not approve of Hannah conveying letters to them wherein she appeals to go listen to her husband’s heart in Pope’s chest.

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