The Danish Girl


  1. ^ a b John Burnham Schwartz, "Metamorphosis," The New York Times Book Review, February 27, 2000.
  2. ^ Ebershoff, David (2015). The Danish Girl. Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-310839-9.
  3. ^ Richard Bernstein, "'The Danish Girl': Radical Change and Enduring Love," The New York Times, February 14, 2000. ("The historical fact is that in 1931 a Danish painter named Einar Wegener became the first man ever to be transformed surgically into a woman, changing her name to Lili Elbe and eventually leaking her story to the press. In 'The Danish Girl' David Ebershoff uses the bare facts of Wegener-Elbe's story to summon a rich imagined universe in which the main event is less the sexual transformation itself than the way that transformation affected other people.")
  4. ^ "The Danish Girl". IMDb. Retrieved January 5, 2015.

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