The Buried Giant Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the character Sir Gawain in the novel The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro?

    The author is using the character Sir Gawain to develop the theme of allegiance to the master. Getting someone trustful in any situation is difficult but Sir Gawain is truthful and loyal to his master, Arthur. He keeps all his secrets and serves him with the utmost respect. In the present-day globe, it is hard to have trust in your juniors but Arthur disapproves of this by telling Sir Gawain all his secrets. Gawain dies protecting the secrets of his master and that is why the theme of allegiance is dominant in the novel.

  2. 2

    Why is it important to compromise and move on with life?

    The readers of the novel The Buried Giant learn that it is significant to compromise some situations because there is no human being who is perfect. The marriage life between Axl and Beatrice is not a bed of roses as outsiders see it. The reality is that the two are happy together because they can compromise and forgive each other when necessary. Human perfection is a myth and there is no single individual who is faultless. Axl can forgive her wife despite her being unfaithful. Similarly, Beatrice compromises Axcl’s cruel behavior and they promise each other never to repeat their mistakes. Therefore, saying sorry is not a sign of weakness but a great sign of compromise.

  3. 3

    What is the metaphorical connotation of the enigmatic isle as used in the novel?

    Most of the characters of the novel The Buried Giant are conversing about the enigmatic isle which the reader later realizes that it has a metaphorical connotation. The island that is conversed about is holy because only those who are allowed to pass must be truly in love. The mystery of this island is that after passing it, one cannot come back.

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