Summa Theologica Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is the author basing most of his research's point of view on ideological concepts?

    St. Thomas Aquinas is a celebrated historical researcher who did great work on religion. The modern-day Catholic Church and other faiths base some of their faith on the great work of St. Aquinas because it was based on philosophical concepts. According to Aquinas, every religion exists because of a specific reason. Most of Aquinas's evidence in his work is drawn from the Bible, Jewish religious teachings, the Quran, and the Pagan Greek. St. Aquinas is probably basing his arguments on idealistic concepts to draw the attention of all religions and appreciate the fact that each religion has a specific purpose for its followers.

  2. 2

    Why is Aquinas depicting Jesus as a character in ‘Summa Theologica’?

    The reader realizes that the entire book is about Christian spirituality, which is why it is majorly used in Christian institutions such as Catholic seminaries. The book answers all questions and any other implication that might revolve around Christian teaching. However, the author does not talk much directly about Jesus' personality, but he discusses the foundations of Christianity. However, the reader is aware that Jesus is the son of God, and no person can get salvation without passing through him. Therefore, the author depicts Jesus as a character because much of this book's final section refers to him.

  3. 3

    What drives the author to write the book ‘Summa Theologica’?

    St. Thomas Aquinas is motivated to write this book by his desire to prove the existence of God. Most religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Jews believe that God exists, but Pagans argue that God does not exist. Pagans say that the existence of a powerful God is an illusion and misleading. However, St. Aquinas provides five ways that prove that God exists and the world belongs to him. For instance, St. Aquinas talks about motion, causation, perfection, and global harmony as some of the vital proves that there is God.

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