Sleep Rough Tonight Characters

Sleep Rough Tonight Character List


He is a scrawny teenager who is a victim of bullying even though he is a witty class clown. As the protagonist, he undergoes a character arc that sees him grapple with his virtuous side and corrupt self. He glorifies The Jockey who leads him to unravel his rage and vengeful persona when he coerces him to go to the streets. He is uncertain of Jockey’s friendship even though he craves it since he was responsible for his arrest.

The Jockey

Jockey is the antagonist in the story, as he is a degenerate and ill-mannered teenager who is a bully and a criminal. The story finds him having served some time in a juvenile detention center after Alex informed the police about his misconduct. He starts a questionable friendship with Alex which sees him push him towards his world of delinquency. Even though he is a delinquent he is feared as much as he is admired by his schoolmates.


She is Alex’s close friend who is well-bred with a Christian background but bullied for being peculiar. She acts as a foil character to Jockey since her virtuous personality grounds Alex from straying too far into Jockey’s influence. She also undergoes an arc that sees her be more than a self-righteous character but a more empathetic and likable one.

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