One Hundred Years of Solitude


Shūji Terayama's play One Hundred Years of Solitude (百年の孤独, originally performed by the Tenjō Sajiki theater troupe) and his film Farewell to the Ark (さらば箱舟) are loose (and unauthorized) adaptations of the novel transplanted into the realm of Japanese culture and history.

On March 6, 2019, García Márquez's son Rodrigo García Barcha, announced that Netflix was adapting One Hundred Years of Solitude into a TV series.[37][38][39]

On October 21, 2022, Netflix commemorated the fortieth anniversary of the announcement of García Márquez's Nobel Prize in Literature with an exclusive preview of One Hundred Years of Solitude.[40]

On the tenth anniversary of García Márquez's passing, Netflix released the official teaser for One Hundred Years of Solitude and revealed that the series will run for sixteen episodes. The cast includes Claudio Cataño (Colonel Aureliano Buendía), Jerónimo Barón (young Aureliano Buendía), Marco González (Jose Arcadio Buendía), Leonardo Soto (José Arcadio), Susana Morales (Úrsula Iguarán), Ella Becerra (Petronila Iguarán), Carlos Suaréz (Aureliano Iguarán), Moreno Borja (Melquiades), and Santiago Vásquez (teenage Aureliano Buendía).[41][42]

Even though One Hundred Years of Solitude is his most famous work, García Márquez himself refused to sell the screen rights to his novel because he did not want it to be adapted in any language other than Spanish and felt a film adaptation would not cover the entire plot due to its length. For the upcoming TV adaptation, Netflix worked with Rodrigo and Gonzalo García who served as the show's executive producers. The episodes were all shot in the late writer's native Colombia and directed by Alex García Lopez, and all the characters' lines are spoken in Spanish. Barbara Enriquez, who had previously worked on Netflix's Roma, served as the show's production designer. One Hundred Years of Solitude is Netflix's most expensive Latin American-made project to date, with Colombian groups and indigenous communities making and providing props, and a total of four hundred fifty locals building three different versions of Macondo for the progression of the series.[43]

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