Mrs Faust Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Is marriage for convenience the main point of focus in the poem Mrs. Faust?

    Mr. and Mrs. Faust is an ordinary couple because they have lived together for several years. However, they do not love each other because each person has a personal interest in the marriage. For instance, Mrs. Faust is in this marriage because leisure and adventure. Mrs. Faust loves travelling and her husband can provide her with all the necessary luxuries. On the other hand, Mr. Faust is married for fun and has several other secretive affairs. Therefore, this marriage is for convenience because it is not based on marital love.

  2. 2

    Why is Mr. Faust having a bargain with the devil?

    Mr. Faust is a man who loves luxury, and he knows that he has a materialistic wife. Therefore, he has a bargain with the devil to request more wealth and power in exchange for his soul. Interestingly, readers have knowledge that Mr. Faust has no soul to sell. He is a materialistic man who can do anything to get money and influence.

  3. 3

    What does the devil symbolize?

    The devil is a symbol of the dark power on earth. The reader learns that the devil is a powerful figure that can enrich people who sell their souls to him. When Mr. Faust realizes he needs more money, he approaches the devil for a good deal, and he is willing to offer his soul in exchange. Therefore, whoever associates with the devil has wealth, power and influence.

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