Midnight Traveler Characters

Midnight Traveler Character List

Hassan Fazili

He is the film director and protagonist. The Taliban terror group is after his head and he joins other refugees to run away from Afghanistan to seek a safe asylum.


She is the wife to Hassan Fazili. She joins her husband in a dangerous escape and she keeps on encouraging her husband that all shall be well

Nargis Fazili

The eldest daughter of Hassan Fazili and Fatima


A terror group in Afghanistan that is terrorizing the locals and making them refugees. The instability in Afghanistan is caused by the Taliban fighters. They are after the head of Hassan Fazili.


Fazili and Fatima’s is younger child and sibling to Nargis.

Emelie Mahdavian

He is the individual who took Fazili’s refugee struggle footage and put it into action. Fazili had decided to dump his shootings but Emelie took them over to make a story.

Gretchen Jude

She worked on Fazili’s mobile recordings to make clear audios and quality visuals before making the film.


The group of people who were displaced from Afghanistan by the Taliban terror group.

The Policemen

The Bulgarian authorities manning the border to ensure that there is no refugee going past the border point.

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