Magisterium Literary Elements

Magisterium Literary Elements



Setting and Context

Set in the fictional Colloquium area of the Earth in 2023.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is ardent, and the mood is tense.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character is Glenn Morgan, and the antagonist is the government.

Major Conflict

There is a major conflict between Glenn and the government. The government is against the invention of Glenn. When Glen finally gets a metal bracelet from her father, she escapes across the border.


The climax comes when Glenn's father completes his science project.


The arrest of Glenn's father is foreshadowed by his intentional ignorance of the government directives against the invention.


The author understates the friendship between Glenn and Kelvin when he says, "They are just friends". The two are deeply connected to the extent Kelvin considers a romantic relationship with Glenn.




The description of the rattling of the trays in the kitchen depicts the sense of hearing. The narrator says, “Glenn paused at the open door, the dinner plates rattling on the tray.” The imagery shows the silence in the house because Glenn’s father is deeply buried in his project. Glenn has no one to speak to.


The main paradox in the novel is that Kelvin knows he is gay, but he pursues a romantic relationship with his childhood female friend, Glenn.


There is a parallelism between Glenn’s decision to escape her home to cross the border and her mother’s intention to disappear many years ago.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



The metal bracelet is personified when the author says it can communicate with Glenn and protect her from danger.

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