Lacan: The Essential Writings Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Show how Jacques Lacan paints the idea of ego as a construct in Lacan: The Essential Writings.

    Lacan in the work argues that the concept of ego is a made-up solution to real events and the invention of a sense of self by the mind is a principally hypothetical course. In the work, Lacan notes that the psychology of an adult is based on their beliefs instilled in them as children. The installation of these beliefs, therefore, begins the development of self-perception, a process that is continuous. In this line, self-worth and the concept of ego is a constructed idea.

  2. 2

    Show how Lacan promotes the idea that childhood plays a role in the development of adult behavior in Lacan: The Essential Writings.

    Lacan in the work largely associates early childhood despite being a mystery to the development of adult behavior. This idea is also similar to the one proposed by Freud, that is, once childhood holds the secrets to how one perceives themselves as adults as well as their psychology. Lacan writes that brain development during early life governs how the child views life and the perception continues to grow as a deeper understanding of the physical realms is achieved.

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