Lacan: The Essential Writings Literary Elements

Lacan: The Essential Writings Literary Elements


Psychological book

Setting and Context

The book is written in the context of psychological development.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Enlightening, intriguing

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is the narrator.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is that adults are wedged piloting the world with a sagacity of self that is principally a delusion, built when they were children while imitating the behavior of others.


The climax comes when the author concludes that the mirror stage is the centre stage of the psychological development in children.


An individual’s maturity is foreshadowed by childhood behavior of mimicking the behavior of others.


Lacan’s contribution to psychology development is understated. However, his opinions are truly significant.


The story alludes to psychological development in people.


The images of the mirror stage provide a perfect sight imagery that enhances vision in readers to see how psychological development takes place in a child.


The main satire is that parental influence in children during early development leads to oedipal complex which contradicts the expectations of parents.


Psychological development in children parallels the influence of parents in children.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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