Jesus Revolution Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Jesus Revolution Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Chuck Smith’s house

Chuck Smith's house is a symbol of revival. Pastor Smith is worried about the low turnout of Christians at his church. The young generation no longer attends his church because they find his teachings boring. However, when Lonnie Frisbee visits Smith's house, everything changes. Frisbee performs contemporary gospel songs with his love song band in Smith's house. After interacting with Frisbee in his sitting room, Smith discovers that he must change his way of ministering to attract the youth back to his church. Smith and Frisbee form Jesus Revolution Movement, which attracts several youths. As a result, the hippie generation is saved, and several young people become evangelists.

The Hippie Campus

The hippie campus is a symbol of the youth culture. Unlike the ancient generation, the hippie generation loves abusing drugs, having sex, and attending all forms of entertainment. Therefore, the hippies do not subscribe to intuitionalism and cultural Christianity practices. Hippies want the freedom to choose what they love doing instead of living with the constraints of religion.

The Calvary Chapel

The Calvary Chapel symbolizes the unconventional form of worship and ministry. Unlike the traditional mainstream churches, the Calvary Chapel aligns its teachings with hippies' demands and desires. For instance, the Calvary Chapel does not condemn drug addiction, sex, and entertainment but instead asks youths to reconsider their ways and accept Jesus. On the other hand, the mainstream churches are strict and do not condone the overall behavior of the hippies, thus, pushing them away from Jesus Christ. Calvary Chapel is critical in bringing many hippies back to Christ during the Jesus Movement. As a result, Calvary Chapel baptizes the highest number of Christians in history.

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