Jesus Revolution Characters

Jesus Revolution Character List

Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith is a dedicated church pastor in Southern California in the late 1960s. Pastor Smith starts realizing that the congregation of his church is reducing daily and this gets him worried. The main reason why Pastor Smith’s church is losing followers is that he cannot connect with the hippie generation that wants things to be done differently.

One day, Pastor Smith connects with a young evangelist called Lonnie Frisbee. Frisbee is a close friend of Janette, Pastor Smith’s daughter. Pastor Smith learns that the young generation wants things to be done differently. Lonnie Frisbee and Pastor Smith form a formidable movement known as “Jesus Revolution” that appeals to the hippies. As a result, many hippies are attracted to church and many of them end up becoming evangelists.


Janette is Pastor Smith’s daughter and a close friend of Lonnie Frisbee. Janette is a friendly young woman who gets along well with her fellow hippies. When Frisbee requests Janette to visit her home to perform a love song, she agrees. When Janette tells her father about the visit, he first gets suspicious but later allows them to have a party. After Lonnie performs with his love song band, Pastor Smith is intrigued and starts evangelizing with him.

Lonnie Frisbee

Lonnie Frisbee is a young evangelist whose teaching appeals to hippies. Lonnie is an understanding young man who listens to the needs of the young generation, which is deeply buried in drugs, sex, and entertainment. Lonnie’s message for the hippies is that Jesus loves them and they can be forgiven of their wrongdoings if they accept him as their personal savior. Lonnie manages to attract the youth to his church in the 1960s and 1970s. Many hippies get saved and several others end up becoming evangelists.

Greg Laurie

Greg is a high school student, ready to enjoy his youth. Greg runs away from school to join Cathe at Janis’ concert where Timothy Leary is ministering about the significance of drugs for self-contemplation. However, Greg disagrees with the teachings because he believes that young people are abusing drugs, thus, destroying their lives.

Timothy Leary

Timothy Leary is a controversial pastor who preaches things that appeal to the youth. For instance, he ministers about the value of drugs for self-discovery. The teachings are misleading because the youths who abuse drugs end up destroying their lives. For instance, Cathe’s sister gets sick from a drug overdose and she blames Timothy for his misleading teachings to the youths.


Cathe is Greg’s best friend. The author depicts Cathe as an outgoing young woman who easily makes new friends. For instance, Cathe befriends Greg the first day they meet. Cathe accompanies Greg to a concert where Timothy is preaching about the significance of drugs. When Cathe’s sister gets sick from a drug overdose, she ends her relationship with Greg blaming him for not warning her about the danger of drugs.

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