Dylan Thomas: Poems Characters

Dylan Thomas: Poems Character List

The sailor

In the poem ‘’Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait’’, the narrator talks about the sailors and how they feel attracted by the sea. The sailors put their lives in danger every time they get out with their boats but they are not scared by this since they long for the feeling of adrenaline. Danger is describes in the poem as being a beautiful woman, capable of entrancing men and making them want to follow it, no matter the circumstances. The idea that danger has the power to attract people is a common theme in many other poems as well. Also because of this, safety is presented as being something a person should not desire and as being the characteristic of a weak person.

The wives

The wives are a category of women that appear in the poem ‘’Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait’’. They are described as sitting and waiting for their men while they are off to the sea, trying to hunt whales.


Time is personified in the ‘’Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait’’ and is presented as a woman who is ready to give birth, highlighting how time always produces something.

The sea

The seas is also portrayed in the ‘’Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait’’ as a beautiful woman capable fo seducing men and carrying them to their death. The sea is portrayed as being a naked woman, thus amplifying the power of her body.

The young narrator

In the poem entitled ‘’Poem in October’’ the narrator is presented in two instances. The first instance in which the narrator is presented is as being a young boy, living a happy day with his mother and always being around her.

The old narrator

The older narrator is another instance in which the narrator is presented in ‘’Poem in October’’. The older narrator is 13 years old and looks at the city where he was living from a distance. He thinks about his past and thinks about things have changed in a short period of time.

The mother

The mother is another character present in ‘’Poem in October’’. She is portrayed as holding her son’s hand and walking with him through the city.

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