Dylan Thomas: Poems Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Dylan Thomas: Poems Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The fence

In the poem entitled "Poem in October’’, the narrator describes in the second stanza the moment the city he lived in awakes and also the moment he passes over the fences surrounding the city and begins his journey. The stanza has the purpose of marking the moment when the narrator stepped into adulthood and thus the fence is used here as a symbol for some event that marked the narrator’s life and changed him from a child to a man.

The sea

Another important symbol in the poem "Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait’’ is the sea. The sea is presented as being an important element and an important system. In the poem, the sea is described as a magical way where only the men are allowed and willing to go. Because of this, the sea is used as a symbol for adventure and the desire to learn about new things and have new experiences.

Love is painful

Another common motif found in the poems is the idea that love is painful. In the poems "Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait’’, ‘’Poem in October’’ and "This is Remembered’’ the narrator transmits the idea that love, the type of romantic love felt by a man towards a woman is something that can only bring pain. The only type of love presented in a positive manner is the one between parents and their children.

Words as a symbol for power

In the poem entitled "Out of a War of Wits’’ the narrator talks extensively about words and the power they can have on a person’s mind and life. Words have the power to change and the power to influence a person to such an extent they are willing to do anything. Because of this, words are synonymous with power in the poem and are used as a symbol for power.

Symbol for ideals

In the poem "Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait,’’ the narrator talks about whale hunting and the extent to which some men were willing to go to hunt the wales. The men in question were willing to put their lives in danger just to have the opportunity to hunt those whales. The whales are used in this context however in a more general sense because in a broader sense, they are used as a way to represent the ideals every person has at one point or another. Because of this, the whale hunting is used here as a symbol to suggest the efforts may make in order to achieve their goals in life.

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