Divine Comedy: Purgatorio

Location, shape, and size

Scholars have long debated the location, shape, and size of various geographic features in the Divine Comedy using astronomical and geometric calculations.[122][123]

Dante tells us that Mount Purgatory is at the antipodes of Jerusalem, in the South Pacific.[124]

In the Renaissance, Antonio Manetti and Alessandro Vellutello proposed models which Galileo Galilei refuted in his On the Shape, Location, and Size of Dante's Inferno. In the 20th century, Rodolfo Benini[125] and Ideale Capasso,[126] and in the 21st, Claudio Facciolo[127] contributed to the debate. The calculations result in an area between 115.6 and 1243 km² and a height between 11.4 and 192 km high. The slope would have been between 23° and 37°.[124]

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