Crooked Hallelujah Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How do marginalization and racism emerge as the two main themes in 'Crooked Hallelujah’ by Kelli Jo Ford?

    Marginalization and racism are the two main themes in the novel. Justine and her mother live on the Oklahoma reservation alongside other Native Americans. Life in the reservation is unbearable because the federal resources are inadequate to cater to the needs of the people. Opportunities for the Native Americans are limited, making many people live in poverty. After relocating to big cities in America, the Native Americans are treated with a rude shock to learn that they are discriminated against.

  2. 2

    What are the wages of disobedience, according to the author?

    The author figuratively uses the character Justine to show the wages of disobedience. Justine and her mother do not agree on most issues, and she takes that as an advantage to rebel. Later, Justine joins a bad group, and out of peer pressure, she gets pregnant at the age of fifteen. The reality of life strikes Justine hard when she gives birth and discovers that she cannot provide for herself. After relocation to Texas, things do not get any better. Therefore, Justine is paying for her sins because she decided to disobey her mother and follow her path, leading to more misery.

  3. 3

    How is the author depicting the Native American women as gutsy, sanguine, and go-getters?

    The Native American women are determined to improve their lives, forcing them to take bold steps such as escaping the trappings of poverty to search for a better life. The reader acknowledges the efforts of women despite the harsh living condition at their disposal. Most of these women struggle with identity crises and racism, but they are still determined to get out of their trappings, searching for greener pastures. Therefore, it is indeed true that Native American women are brave and optimistic because they are ready to take risks to improve their lives.

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