Check, Please!: #Hockey Quotes


“I have never been more disheartened with male hygiene in my entire 18 years of life.”

Eric "Bitty" Bittle

The quote reflects Bitty's initial reaction after meeting the hockey team for the first time. This remark about male hygiene highlights the clash of stereotypes and expectations. Bitty, coming from a figure skating background, has certain preconceived notions about the cleanliness and manners of male athletes. Bitty is not only a talented athlete but also a character who values personal grooming. His comment challenges stereotypes that may perpetuate biases about different groups of people. Moreover, Bitty's witty observation about male hygiene adds a touch of humor to the story. Finally, this quote sets the stage for the dynamics between Bitty and the hockey team. It displays the initial culture shock and differences in their backgrounds and experiences. This hints at the challenges Bitty may face in adjusting to a new environment and dealing with a group of teammates.

“But you’ve got that stupid mental block about getting hit. If that’s the only thing holding you back we’re going to get you over it.”

Jack Zimmermann

In this quote, Jack Zimmermann—a more experienced and skilled hockey player—is offering support and encouragement to Bitty. He recognizes a specific obstacle and wants to help him overcome it. This subject of mentorship is prevalent throughout the story, which shows the camaraderie in hockey. The quote demonstrates their evolving relationship highlighting Jack's role in helping Bitty develop as a player. Essentially, it addresses the theme of overcoming mental barriers in sports. Jack's advice is about pushing past these mental challenges to help him achieve his potential. Furthermore, the quote also foreshadows future events in the story related to Bitty's fear of being hit. It sets the stage for potential development in Bitty's character arc.

“I know Jack and Shitty are gonna be close by, but I’m still coming to terms with the fact they’ll never be my teammates again.”

Eric "Bitty" Bittle

The quote expresses Bitty's thoughts and emotions after the seniors graduate from college. His words highlight the theme of loss and the inevitability of change. With the departure of the seniors, Bitty is grappling with the reality that a significant part of his life is changing. The exit of his teammates signifies the end of a specific era for him. This quote reflects the deep sense of camaraderie that exists within the hockey team. Bitty sees Jack and Shitty not only as teammates but also as close friends. Consequently, he needs to navigate this change, adapt to a new team dynamic, and find his place within the evolving structure of the hockey team. Lastly, this quote signifies a turning point in Bitty's journey towards independence. As the seniors graduate and move on, Bitty is prompted to reflect on his own goals, aspirations, and relationships.

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