Check & Mate Literary Elements

Check & Mate Literary Elements


Young Adult

Setting and Context

Modern-day United States.

Narrator and Point of View

It is narrated in the first-person perspective from Mallory Greenleaf's point of view.

Tone and Mood

The tone is casual and infused with elements of humor. The mood is light-hearted and melancholic.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Mallory Greenleaf. The antagonists are insecurities and the pressures of fame.

Major Conflict

The major conflict revolves around Mallory's relationship with chess and the external pressures from fame and competition. Mallory faces personal insecurities and the challenges of balancing her passion for chess with her desire for a more ordinary life. Additionally, conflicts arise from competitive chess players like Malte Koch.


The climax of the story occurs during a high-stakes chess match between Mallory Greenleaf and Malte Koch.


Mallory's interactions with Nolan foreshadow unresolved tensions and the underlying connection that will re-emerge as a significant aspect of her journey.


"I didn’t mean to . . . For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re an asshole. Or manipulative. Or selfish. Or . . . Or most of the other things I called you in New York, really. Or maybe you are, a bit, but no more than any other chess player in the entire universe. No more than me."

Mallory uses understatement by attempting to retract her previous insults and mitigate their severity.


Throughout the text, there are allusions to specific chess strategies, games, and tournaments. For instance, mentions of "Trompowsky," "Kasparov," "Hoogovens," and "Tata Steel."


"I make my way down the stairs, the shiny pinks and whites of the marble floors pure ice under my bare feet, hair bouncing over my shoulders."

The use of descriptive language evokes a visual and tactile image of the setting.


One example is Mallory’s simultaneous attraction and apprehension towards Nolan Sawyer.


Mallory and Nolan share a common passion for chess. Their competitive nature and dedication to honing their skills make them parallel figures in their pursuit of excellence in chess.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



"The soft lights play beautifully across his skin."

This personification imbues the lights with a sense of animation and liveliness.

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