Calico Joe Imagery

Calico Joe Imagery

Calico Rock

Grisham uses imagery to describe Castle's hometown, Calico Rock. He describes it as being "a picturesque village on a bluff above the White River on the eastern edge of the Ozark Mountains." Overall this imagery is used to describe how Castle was from somewhere seemingly in the middle of nowhere, which adds to his story as his talent was entirely responsible for his rise to fame.

Atmosphere in the house

Paul uses imagery to describe what his childhood home was like when his father wasn't there. He tells us that he loved it when the Mets were on the road because this meant his father was gone from the house. Without his father, the house was "peaceful and pleasant." This use of imagery emphasizes how difficult his father was to live with.

Playing baseball

Paul describes how he used to enjoy playing baseball alone as a child, but hated playing with his father. This is because his father would:

"Lecture me on the way to the park, snarl at me during the game, and, worst of all, berate me all the way home."

Use of language such as "lecture," "snarl" and "berate" paints Paul's father as an unkind and cold man, and explains some of the alienation Paul feels towards his father.

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