Bride and Prejudice Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Bride and Prejudice Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

First Class

Darcy willingly gives up his first-class seat on the flight to Lalita's mother in order to spend time with her. This is a symbol that Darcy is willing to give what he has to take care of Lalita's family, and also that he is willing to use what he has to be near Lalita.


We see Darcy doing a traditional Indian dance at the end of the film. This is a symbol that he is willing to let go of his pride and welcome Lalita's Indian culture into his life in order to further cement his love for her.


Wickham tells Lalita that Darcy is not a good person, to which Lalita believes him and holds Darcy in contempt. This is a symbol of how one's [Wickham's] prejudice leads to lies in order to slander others and protect the secret reality of who he is. Which is less than honorable.

Darcy's List

Darcy has a list which his friend Kiran describes to Lalita. It is a list of what Darcy wants in his ideal wife. It is one that is quite unrealistic and is a symbol of Darcy's idealism as it's clear that he is less than perfect.


Darcy tells Lalita that he may buy the hotel they are staying at. And she tells him that it would be a perfect way to bring Westerners to India to experience it without the Indians. Her statement is a symbol of how Darcy doesn't quite grasp the full significance of his purchase in a cultural sense, only in a bottom-line, profit one.

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