Bride and Prejudice Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the meaning of Darcy dancing and playing drums at the end of the film?

    Darcy has come back to India in order to pursue Lalita. And in doing so he dance traditional Indian dances and plays drums. By doing this Darcy is showing that he is a man willing to put away his pride and embrace Lalita's culture in order to be with her. This helps her to fall for him and eventually marry him.

  2. 2

    Why does Lalita oppose Darcy?

    Darcy, an American, has come to India to attend the wedding with a friend. Here he meets Lalita, but he also shows that his culture doesn't lend itself to seeing Indians as equals but rather beneath him. Lalita will not have this and for this reason, along with the fact that Darcy caused Balraj to end his courting of Lalita's sister, is why Lalita opposes the American Darcy.

  3. 3

    Why does Darcy despise Wickham?

    Wickham has won the attention of Lalita, and also of her sister Lakhi. Both of whom he has his sights set on. Darcy has grown fond of Lalita and now sees Wickham moving in on her. Darcy despises Wickham because he got his sister pregnant and tried to marry her for the family money he could inherit. But Wickham's plan failed and he ran off never to be heard from again by Darcy's sister.

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