A Christmas Memory Quotes


"It's bad enough in life to do without something YOU want; but confound it, what gets my goat is not being able to give somebody something you want THEM to have."


Buddy's quote is the thesis of A Christmas Memory: although it feels wonderful to receive gifts during Christmas, it feels much better to give someone a gift that you want them to have. After all, Christmas is a season for giving and making people feel good, not a season of receiving and selfishness. And the two characters in the short story—Buddy and his elderly cousin—are perfect representatives of what Christmas should be. They are both kind and giving people who enjoy giving other people gifts during the Christmas season. They are also both kind and joyful, two other important characteristics of Christmas.

"I could leave the world with today in my eyes."

Buddy's elderly cousin

For Buddy's elderly cousin, death is at the front of her mind. Unlike Buddy, she is elderly and has lived a long and full life. Buddy's cousin’s quote is representative of her philosophy in life. First, she would be content passing away at any given time because she has lived her life in the moment and without looking back in regret or anger. It is best, she argues, to live in the moment if one wants to live their lives to the fullest extent possible.

"It’s fruitcake weather! Fetch our buggy. Help me find my hat."

Buddy's elderly cousin

The humorous quote is indicative of the special relationship Buddy's elderly cousin shares with the young boy. Every year, the two make a point to buy whisky and the ingredients to make a fruit cake. Then, the two friends make the fruitcake together, sharing laughter and joy. This tradition embodies what Christmas is truly about: spending time with friends and family and having fun while doing so.

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