You’re Only Old Once Themes

You’re Only Old Once Themes

Fragility of life

This is perhaps the strongest theme running throughout the text and put them through various ways. The old man himself is a metaphor for how precious life is. Initially he is shown to be healthy but as time goes on his health issues begin to plague his life. This is sharply contrasted with the imagery of the people of the land of Fotta-fa-Zee who live long and healthy lives despite their old age.

The health care system

This is a secondary theme running throughout the text. The hospital that the man enters is shown to be a harsh and cold environment. The old man is treated like an object by the doctors and healthcare staff. Indeed, his only reprieve is a simple thing like the fish in the waiting room, which is his only source of companionship.

An ideal world

There is a small reference to what would be the outcome for the Old Man had this been an ideal world. The land of Fotta-fa-Zeeinhabits healthy people aged over 1100 years who feed on nuts to keep up their health. This sort of utopia gives an insight into how we expect the world to be when we are young. However, it is directly clashed with the hospital setting which highlights the reality of the old man’s situation.

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