Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White Characters

Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White Character List

Jonny Sokko

Johnny Sokko is an Asian boy who shares name billing with his giant flying robot on an ancient-black and white TV series. He is an inspiration to the narrator. The television series of the giant flying robot was common in the neighborhood, and the narrator admired to be a superstar too.

Mrs. Livingston

Mrs. Livingston is the only Asian woman in the regular cast member of the American show watched by the narrator. The show is played by the Umeki program in the TV series.

The neighborhood children

In the new neighborhood, the narrator is not alone because he meets and interacts with the children conversant with the new environment. For instance, the children play together with the narrator inside the wooden shells of the new houses.


Dracolon is the sea monster that attacks the cruise ship that Johnny is a passenger. Viewers can identify the attacker who sings the ship as Dracolon.

Jerry Monno

Jerry is a secret agent belonging to Unicorn, which is a global peacekeeping force. Jerry is washed in the ship by Dracolon alongside Johnny to the shore of a desolated isle. The gang is responsible for the kidnapping of a famous scientist who designed the towering flying robot.


Spider is a criminal architect leading a gang called Gargoyle on the deserted island that Johnny and Jerry find themselves in after Dracolon attacks their ship.

Emperor Guillotine

Emperor Guillotine is a member of outer space, and he finds himself in the land of the bad guys led by the Spider.


Drakulan is the vampire that leads the undead. In the first episode, the machine protecting Johnny is on a mission to fight for justice, and it is destroying everyone who disturbs unity, including Drakulan.


The Ultra Man is among the major characters in the Asian TV series watched by the narrator. However, the narrator notes no single thrilling character in all the TV series other than the Giant Flying Robot.


Hayata is a Science Patrol Officer who dies when he crashes into Ultra Man's spacecraft. However, the Ultra Man is powerful, and he feels guilt that Hayata is dead in his spacecraft. The Ultra Man decides to revive the life of Hayata so that he can live with him.


Speed is the animated character in the series Speed Racer. Speed is also the boyfriend of Trixie.


Trixie is Speed's girlfriend, and she often helps him fix his Mach 5 in the garage alongside their pet called Chim Chim.

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