Weapons of Mass Delusion Literary Elements

Weapons of Mass Delusion Literary Elements


U.S. Politics

Setting and Context

The novel takes place across the United States prior to, during, and immediately after the 2020 U.S. Election. Much of the action is centered on January 6th, 2021 in Washington D.C. and its direct aftermath.

Narrator and Point of View

Weapons of Mass Delusion is told from the perspective of author Robert Draper.

Tone and Mood

Draper's book is serious, political, intense, violent, concerning, judgemental, and questioning.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Those who believe in the rule of law, democracy, and republicanism (and who uphold the results of elections) is the protagonist of Draper's book. Republicans who are out of touch with reality is the antagonist of Draper's book.

Major Conflict

The major conflict of the book is between those who believe in republicanism, democracy, and the rule of law and those who do not.


The January 6th invasion of the capital serves as the climax of Draper's book.


Events, like the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, foreshadow the January 6th invasion of the U.S. Capitol.


The devastating effects the legitimate election of people like Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz had on America's Republic is understated initially.


Draper's book is rife with allusions to recent U.S. history, politics, and politicians, the geography of the U.S., the popular culture of the U.S. (films, books, movies, and the news), and psychological concepts (particularly concepts like mass psychosis).


As a certain sect of the Republican party becomes more deluded and disillusioned with the political process, violent imagery becomes more common.


People like Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert were duly elected and put into power because of America's Republic, but aimed to destroy that Republic, or the institution that put them into power.


Not applicable.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Washington is used to refer to Washington D.C., the capital of the U.S.


The U.S. Capitol is personified in the book to give more depth and life to the invasion and those who invaded.

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