"We Are the Music Makers" and Other Poems Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Who are the "music makers?"

    In this poem, O'Shaughnessy celebrates the artists of the world, whom he calls "music makers." He isn't too specific, meaning this could refer to people who actually make music, but also artists, visionaries, and poets. These are the people who bring the world to life in their creations and offer the world immense value.

  2. 2

    How is the style of "We are the Music Makers" appropriate considering the subject matter?

    This poem is about poets, artists, and visionaries, those who create beautiful things. In discussing these kinds of people, the poem itself comprises of beautiful images and vocabulary. As such, we might argue that O'Shaughnessy's writing style reflects his admiration for artists.

  3. 3

    How does O'Shaughnessy capture the human experience in his poetry?

    Arthur O'Shaughnessy's works touch upon many universal human experiences, including love, sorrow, and loss. His poetry might be considered "Romantic," focusing on individual feelings and experience above all else. For example, "Fountain of Tears" is about a person who is enveloped by sorrow, and O'Shaughnessy really details how this emotional state might feel.

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