Viy Themes

Viy Themes

Evil spirits

The principal theme of Gogol’s story “Viy” is evil spirits. Firstly, readers can think that it is a fantastic tale for children, where good fights against evil. But after the reading, you will understand that it is not a wonderful fairy tale with happy end. And it is a big advantage. People are so bored with the same plot, where good wins evil. And the mysterious story with witches, dwarves and other evil personages are tops. Gogol gets readers interested in his unusual plot of “Viy”. At the same time, this theme shows the real temper and strength of mind of the person (it concerns Thomas, who is a main hero), when he must struggle for his life.


Readers can think that philosophy has nothing common with this story. We know that Thomas is a philosopher and he studies this science at the university. And it would seem that it is all: the theme of philosophy doesn’t play a prominent role, but actually it is not only the science. Philosophy of Thomas life defines his existence and his struggle with evil spirits. The author considers that perception of being to have a significant influence on life. And if Thomas had apprehended his life as a vital value, he would have been able to save it. In the end, it turned out that he is a worthless philosopher.

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