Victory City Background

Victory City Background

After Salman Rushdie was viscously attacked at an event in New York, few thought that he would live and even fewer thought that he would have a career again. As a result of the attack, which some have speculated was sanctioned and brought into motion by the Iranian government, Rushdie was kept in the hospital for quite a while, he lost the use of a hand and an eye. That's what makes the publication of Victory City, Rushdie's latest novel, which was published in February 2023, so remarkable. Although it was completed before the attack, few thought he would be able to participate in its publication.

Ultimately, Victory City tells the story of two Kingdoms in 14th-century India who seemingly constantly fight with each other. Things change relatively quickly, however, when young Pampa Kampana comes face-to-face with a Goddess. That Goddess quickly takes over Pampa's body. And Pampa becomes a vessel for the Goddess, who speaks through the young girl. Over the next 250 years, the Goddess uses Pampa to accomplish many tasks—most significantly to ensure that men and women are treated equally and society.

Before its publication, Victory City was named one of the most anticipated novels by Time, The Washington Post, The Guardian, USA Today, The Tampa Bay Times, The Week, CNBC, Business Insider, and Kirkus Reviews. After its publication, Victory City received very positive reviews. The Atlantic called Rushdie's novel "miraculous." Kirkus Reviews called the novel "A grand entertainment, in a tale with many strands, by an ascended master of modern legends."

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