Tokyo Ueno Station Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Tokyo Ueno Station Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Ueno Park

Ueno Park is a symbol of human suffering and the inconsiderate nature of humans. Kazu belongs to the homeless community at Ueno Park, and he watches as people come and go. However, for Kazu and his fellow homeless people, the Park is their permanent home, and no one bothers to help them. To make matters worse, when the emperor rides across the park, the homeless people are forced to remove their belongings and watch the emperor from a distance. Therefore, Kazu concludes that life is full of irony because privileged people are selfish and do not mind the plight of the poor.


The photos the two older women look at in the Art Museum symbolize a lack of intimacy in Kazu’s life. The photos remind Kazu that he never had time to take photos with people who mattered to him, especially his wife and children. Therefore, the photos Kazu watches secretly remind him of his loneliness and lack of personal touch with his family.

Helicopter Ride

The helicopter ride symbolizes Kazu’s family's social and economic status, which he could not afford for his children. Rich parents can take their children out and buy them all the luxuries, but Kazu fails to understand why life is unfair to his family. However, when Kazu takes his children out, he is always worried because he does not have money to buy them what they ask for. Kazu finds it hard to explain to his children that he is poor, forcing him to abandon his family to become a homeless man at the park station.

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