Through and Through: Toledo Stories Metaphors and Similes

Through and Through: Toledo Stories Metaphors and Similes

Stare - “Monkey Business”

Joseph Geha writes, “ The boy refuses to turn, He keeps his eyes fixed in a flat, downward stare like the eyes of the man in the sandwich sign.” Zizi’s pleas do not befuddle Jameel or distract his unwavering stare. The allegorical stare heightens Jameel’s aptness of imitation because his stare echoes that of his muse ( who is highlighted in the sandwich insignia).

Bad Business - “Monkey Business”

Braheem brands Uhdrah’s attempts to resuscitate Asfoori ‘Bad business’: “If Asfoori got up like the goat, what would people say? Tell me, Cousin. A miracle? How great is God? Not me. I’d say; Bad Business.” The allegorical ‘bad business’ accentuates Braheem’s preference to have Asfoori lifeless rather than him being enslaved by the ‘monkey business’ of ‘ walking around the block some more’ Braheem’s ideology downrightly gathers that ‘practical men’ are not oscillated by the passions of preposterous miracles.

Clan - “Through and Through”

The narrator remembrances, “The North End was a clannish neighbourhood- Little Syria-and in no time I’d developed a name for myself as something of a pickpocket.” The rhetorical clannism surmises that the narrator subsisted in a collectivist civilization that underwrote his delinquent-like disposition unqualifiedly. The collectivism at North End suppositions that most of the community fellows grasped the narrator’s proclivity to systematic pickpocketing.

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