This Fight Is Our Fight Quotes


“The way I see it, no one in this country should work full-time and still live in poverty—period.”

Elizabeth Warren

Warren stresses in his novel how the current political climate does not fully serve the citizens who are below the poverty line. She handles multiple issues regarding the matters of minimum wage and the disparity of trickle-down economics. In that, not all citizens benefit in the same capacity as individuals on the other side of the economic spectrum. The statement alludes to her campaign for the middle class and those living under the poverty line currently in America.

“More than 70 percent of the American people believe that students should have a chance at a debt-free education.”

Elizabeth Warren

Warren insists that her campaign for change is something that most Americans are ready to accept and willing to contribute to the change. She utilizes multiple statistics on different political issues to showcase that in most of them more than half are ready for change. Even for the most divisive matters such as climate change, statistics show that the majority are waiting for the action to be taken. The quotation expresses the issue of accumulation of debt in the higher education that haunts many after studies. She outlines that it is a matter that has affected a majority hence there are fewer individuals against debt-free education.

“A man who vowed to make America great again and followed up with attacks on immigrants, minorities, and women.”

Elizabeth Warren

As a candidate for the U.S 2020 presidential elections, Warren is obviously an opponent of the Trump administration. The book is a rebuttal of the 2016 Trump election therefore she critiques most of the policies implemented by the administration. In the entirety of the novel, Warren attempts to provide policies that for the most part clash with the current state of the political climate. The statement refers to how she advocates for the individuals whom she feels have been neglected by the Trump administration.

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