Thirteen Reasons Why


Hannah Baker
The subject of the novel. She is a seventeen-year-old, female high school sophomore who is sexually abused and harassed, which leads to her taking her own life and leaving behind seven double-sided cassette tapes. These tapes reveal the thirteen people and events during the course of a freshman-sophomore year that lead to her suicide.
Clay Jensen
The narrator of the novel. He is the subject of the ninth tape, on which Hannah clarifies that he was always kind to her; aside from his developing feelings and the duo sharing a kiss, she says that he does not deserve to be on her list. Clay is the only person on the tapes who is not directly blamed as a reason for Hannah's death.
Justin Foley
The subject of the first and tenth tapes. A year older than Hannah, he is her first crush and first kiss. Hannah blames Justin on the first tape for starting rumors that she is a slut, and she blames him for allowing Bryce to rape Jessica.
Alex Standall
The subject of the second tape. After breaking up with Jessica, he publishes a "hot or not" list, giving Hannah the title, "Best Ass in the Freshman Class." Hannah believes this title further reinforces her reputation as a slut after her kiss with Justin.
Jessica Davis
The subject of the third tape and a friend of Hannah's before Alex's "hot or not" list ends their friendship. Hannah blames Jessica for believing the rumors about her and telling people that Hannah stole Alex from Jessica.
Tyler Down
The subject of the fourth tape. A classmate of Hannah's who worked as a photographer for the yearbook. Tyler stalked Hannah and took pictures of her through her bedroom window.
Courtney Crimsen
The subject of the fifth tape and an acquaintance of Hannah's. After helping Hannah catch Tyler, Courtney spreads rumours about finding sexual "toys" in Hannah's bedroom, further smearing Hannah's reputation.
Marcus Cooley
The subject of the sixth tape. He once goes on a date with Hannah after matching with her through a Valentine's fundraiser. At a diner, he tries to take advantage of her and calls her a "tease" when she rejects him.
Zach Dempsey
The subject of the seventh tape. After trying to comfort Hannah following her confrontation with Marcus, he turns on Hannah when she rejects him. In a shared class, Zach takes Hannah's "notes of encouragement" so that she no longer receives the anonymous support the class previously gave her.
Ryan Shaver
The subject of the eighth tape; he was briefly friends with Hannah when the two attended an out-of-school poetry class. After gaining her trust, Ryan steals and publishes one of Hannah's poems in the school newspaper. Despite the anonymous submission, Hannah is humiliated.
Jenny Kurtz
The subject of the eleventh tape and a cheerleader who offers to take Hannah home from her first party. She comforts Hannah, but after she hits a stop sign and fails to tell the police, Hannah blames her for causing a car accident that later kills another classmate.
Bryce Walker
The subject of the twelfth tape. At the first party Hannah attends, Bryce rapes an unconscious Jessica. Later, he invites Hannah into a hot tub at another party and sexually assaults her. Hannah resists but it is futile, so she lets herself go in despair.
Mr. Porter
The subject of the thirteenth tape and the final person slotted to receive Hannah's reasons. He is the school counsellor who leads on to Hannah admitting that she was sexually abused, but Porter explains to Hannah that her choices are to confront Bryce or that she should "let it go" and move on. Hannah, unhappy with these choices, gains enough clarity to kill herself.
A high school student who, though he is not on any of the tapes, receives copies of them just before Hannah's death. Though he tries to warn Hannah's parents, she kills herself, leaving Tony to watch over the people who are named as reasons for her death.
Skye Miller
A female high school student and former friend of Clay's who is not named on any of the tapes. Clay suspects she is suicidal and reaches out to her at the end of the novel.

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