Things We Didn't See Coming Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the primary theme in the novel Things We Didn't See Coming by Steven Amsterdam?

    Steven Amsterdam’s main theme in the novel Things We Didn't See Coming is the spirit of buoyancy. The central character has the will to endure whatever circumstance he comes across. The narrator is ready to do anything to survive when the situation worsens in the city. Despite going through hardships, the narrator encourages himself to continue moving forward. There are instances when the narrator is forced to eat leftovers in dustbins, but he does not give up. The other example is when the narrator and Margo break into shops to steal jewelry and sell it to buy food. In addition, the narrator learns various survival skills, such as tour guiding and hunting, to earn a living.

  2. 2

    How paradoxical is Grandpa’s decision to return to his rural home from the city?

    Grandpa and his wife relocate to the city to embrace liberalism ideologies because he is tired of rural conservatism. When Grandpa lives in the city for a while, he realizes that liberalism is not what he expected because it focuses more on capitalistic ideologies. Grandpa observes that very few people have a lot of wealth while the majority are poor. Food, water, and other essential services in the city are rationed. At last, Grandpa decides to leave the city and go to the rural area. Consequently, Grandpa depicts a paradoxical behavior because he returns to the conservationism ideologies he initially rejected.

  3. 3

    Why is Cate insisting that Dad be beside her deathbed before she dies?

    Cate illustrates a motherly love when she asks the narrator to look for his father and bring him to her bedside before she dies. Despite being divorced from her husband, Cate knows that her son needs to reconcile with her father. In addition, Cate understands that her son loves his father despite being absent in his life. Therefore, the sole purpose of requesting Dad to be beside her deathbed is to ensure they reunite before she dies.

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