The Young and the Damned

Controversy about possible plagiarism

Journalist Verónica Calderón, in an article published on 14 August 2010 in the Spanish newspaper El País, collects statements by Morelia Guerrero, daughter of Mexican journalist and writer Jesús R. Guerrero (Numarán, Michoacán, 1911–1979), in which Morelia points out that the script and the film are based on a novel written by her father, entitled Los Olvidados, published in 1944, with a prologue by Mexican writer José Revueltas. The National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (IPN) published, in December 2009, a second edition of the novel penned by Jesús R. Guerrero.[11] However, comparative studies have been made between the film and the novel, and no trace of any plagiarism by Buñuel has been found.[12]

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