The Tobacconist Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does Sigmund Freud represent in the novel?

    The renowned and pioneering psychiatrist Sigmund Freud plays a hugely significant role in The Tobacconist. Initially, in pre-Nazi times, Freud represented the liberalism, openness, and intellectual curiosity of Austrian society. However, as the Nazis rise to power, he begins to represent everything that is hated in the world: a Jewish person who emphasizes liberal ideals. Additionally, Freud comes to be a symbol of every Jewish person living in Nazi Germany or Nazi-controlled territories. Like Freud, many Jewish people did not know what would happen next and if they would survive the war because of Hitler's racist, xenophobic, and genocidal policies.

  2. 2

    How does Franz's story exemplify the story of many other people during World War II?

    Franz serves as an everyman figure in The Tobacconist. He embodies the experiences that many people went through during World War II--especially those who lived under Nazi rule. Franz starts the novel as a naive and somewhat isolated young man from a rural area. After he goes to Vienna at the request of his mother, he goes on a coming-of-age journey. While there, like many other people experienced during World War II, Franz lost his innocence because of the Nazis. Likewise, Franz's displacement from his typical environment and subsequent adaptation to a new environment mirror the experiences of countless individuals who were forced to leave their homes due to the conflict. Finally, even as the world around him descends into chaos, Franz's continued pursuit of love and personal growth underscores the enduring human capacity for resilience, echoing the experiences of those who strove to maintain a sense of normalcy amid the upheavals of war.

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