The Summer Tree Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Summer Tree Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The summer tree

The author figuratively uses the summer tree to symbolize endurance. When the five university students arrive in Fionavar, Paul takes a challenge with the High King in a chess game where he losses and becomes skilled in determining the price of power. Later, the king sends Paul to the summer tree to test his endurance. Paul learns that surviving under the summer tree requires fortitude, and he proves to the king that he is a worthy competitor.

Celtic Studies

A Celtic study is a symbol of adventure. Professor Lorenzo comes to Toronto university to be a Canadian academic. Still, his primary purpose is to take five students with him into the foreign land of Fionavar to celebrate the king's 50th anniversary and also aid in solving the complexity of the evil spirits that have lived under the mountains for ages. The students are excited after a Celtic study, and the five look forward to exploring the new kingdom where their knowledge is required to make a positive change.

Fionavar as a symbol of destiny

The five students in Fionavar are looking forward to knowing their destinies. Kimberly Ford interacts with the sanctified lake where she knows her destiny is to become a Seer. Paul learns that his fortune is concurring through endurance, and Kevin learns that his fate is becoming a loyal follower of the Prince. According to Professor Lorenzo, everyone wants to come to Fionavar to discover their fate. Therefore, Fionavar is a perfect symbol of providence.

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