The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs


Type faces designed by Morris for the Kelmscott Press.

The poem was published by Ellis and White in November 1876, although the date appeared on the imprint as 1877. They issued a second edition in 1877 and a third in 1880. The book was brought out again in 1887 by Reeves and Turner, and in 1896 by Longman.[10][34] In 1898, two years after Morris's death, a revised text was published by the Kelmscott Press in an edition limited to 160 paper copies and 6 vellum copies, with wood cuts by Sir Edward Burne-Jones.[35] In 1910 Longman issued an edition in which some passages were replaced with prose summaries by Winifred Turner and Helen Scott.[36] In 1911 the same firm reprinted the original version as volume 12 of The Collected Works of William Morris, with an introduction by May Morris; in the absence of a critical edition this is the one generally cited by scholars.[37] In recent years Sigurd the Volsung has been frequently reprinted, sometimes in the Turner and Scott abridged version.[38][39][40]

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