"The Stolen Bacillus" and Other Stories Quotes


“Death – mysterious, untraceable death, death swift and terrible, death full of pain and indignity – would be released upon this city, and go hither and thither seeking his victims”

The Bacteriologist

Portraying a picture of what would happen if any of living bacterium gets into the water and would infect the people around, the Bacteriologist spares no words. The situation is described with very specific details and provokes feelings of horror. The visitor is listening to the bacteriologist very attentively, and probably has already imagined many dead bodies, tears, mournings.

“Those anarchist-rascals are fools, blind fools to use bombs when this kind of thing is attainable.”

The visitor

With these word,s the visitor completely opens up who he is and the bacteriologist guessed what is his real purpose of the visit. To kill thousands of people for the name of ideas and ideals which are inhuman – this is what he has in mind. Saying that infectious diseases are more effective comparing to bombs, the visitor misses out on one crucial moment – how can one stop the spreading of the disease when desired territories are conquered? Surely war is one of the worst things mankind has to deal with, but even in the war there are rules which are to be followed, and no biological weapons is one of them.

“The world should hear of him at last”


When the visitor is already in the cab, all his thoughts are about how he will throw the tube into the reservoir with water. He is torn by contradictory feelings as on the one hand is is afraid to be caught and also afraid what would happen next, but on the other hand a strong desire to become famous and make people talk about him overcome all the fears. And the paradox is that there might be left no world to know about him if his plan came to realization.

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