The Silence of the Lambs Glossary

The Silence of the Lambs Glossary


It refers to the institution where mentally ill patients or, criminals and debtors are given support and shelter.

Bureau's civil rights record

These are records collected by a section of FBI that investigates hate crimes, color of law violations, and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act violations.

Behavioral science

A branch of science that focuses on the cognitive processes of organisms and their interactions with other organisms. It aims to examine the behavior of humans especially with how they interact within a society.


A particular requirement that indicates the capability or suitability of a person to do something.

Death's-head hawkmoth

It refers to any of the three moth species belonging to the genus Acherontia. It is often associated with death because of its skull-like shape on its back.


An organization that distributes medications, medical supplies, and in some cases medical treatment. Unlike pharmacies, they do not possess in-depth knowledge about drug information and clinical services.


A collection of documents containing detailed information about a person, an event, or a subject. It is similar to a case file or report.


In this movie, it is a term used to call the victims of a crime.

Marcus Aurelius

A famous Roman emperor known for his belief in Stoicism, a philosophy that emphasizes fate, reason, and self-restraint.


A person who suffers from a type of antisocial personality disorder. A psychopath is said to have impaired empathy and remorse, disinhibited behavior, and egotistical traits. A psychopath does not have a conscience and therefore, has a poor inner sense of right and wrong.

Quid pro quo

A phrase that simply means a favor done in exchange for something in return.


An unsophisticated person who comes from a rural area, oftentimes from the countryside, is called a rube.


A person whose gender identity or gender expression differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth, and has undergone medical assistance to alter their bodily characteristics.


A person who habitually and voluntarily dresses in clothes typically worn by the opposite sex. Nowadays, the term cross-dresser is more commonly used than transvestite.

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