The Silence of the Lambs (Novel)


The Silence of the Lambs is a 1988 psychological horror novel by Thomas Harris. Published August 29, it is the sequel to Harris's 1981 novel Red Dragon and both novels feature the cannibalistic serial killer and brilliant psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter. This time, however, he is pitted against FBI trainee Clarice Starling as she works to solve the case of the "Buffalo Bill" serial killer. It is the most well-known installment of Harris' Hannibal Lecter series, selling over 10 million copies.

The film adaptation directed by Jonathan Demme was released in 1991 to widespread critical acclaim and box office success. It won all five of the "Big Five" Academy Awards becoming one of only 3 films ever, and the first film since One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest in 1975 to have done so. It is also the only horror film to win Best Picture at the Oscars.

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