The Seventh Most Important Thing Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Shelley Pearsall explore the theme of regret in the novel The Seventh Most Important Thing?

    Regret is one of the major themes explored by Shelley Pearsall. People engage in dangerous actions without thinking of the possible consequences. After Arthur's father dies, he becomes aggressive and furious. Arthur does not want to see anybody. When Arthur spots Mr. Hampton collecting trash, he hits him with a brick on the shoulder. Later, the police arrest Arthur and sentence him to a juvenile prison. While in prison, Arthur reflects on his life and regrets his actions. Arthur does not understand why he hit an innocent man.

  2. 2

    What makes Mr. Hampton a unique character in the novel?

    Mr. Hampton is one of the unique characters in the novel. For instance, Mr. Hampton does not accuse Arthur of his mistakes. When Arthur is taken to court, Mr. Hampton insists that the young boy is innocent and the brick incident that led to his injury is an act of God. In addition, Mr. Hampton forgives Arthur, and they become good friends while working together to collect trash. The other attribute of Mr. Hampton that makes him unique is his creativity. Mr. Hampton converts trash in his garage into beautiful art.

  3. 3

    What is the biggest lesson Arthur learns in the novel?

    Arthur learns that human beings are priceless, and it is good to appreciate them while alive. After the death of Mr. Hampton, Arthur reflects on his good deeds and forgiveness. Arthur realizes that Mr. Hampton was a good man, but society never appreciated him. To carry on the legacy of Mr. Hampton, Arthur decides to commercialize his artwork so that the whole world can know about his greatness.

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