The Senator Next Door Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Amy Klobuchar’s life is difficult. Is this assertion correct? Explain.

    Before standing up and winning against all odds, Klobuchar’s life is dotted with a lot of difficulties. For instance, she has to help her father in overcoming alcohol addiction and also cope with the divorce of her parents. Additionally, she is asked to leave the hospital after delivering her baby. All of these events that happen in her life play a significant role in shaping up the person she grows up to become.

  2. 2

    Highlight the character traits of Amy Klobuchar as brought out in this memoir.

    Amy Klobuchar is strong-willed, bold, and a determined strong woman. She not only fights the difficulties that life throws in her direction but also stands up for other women. She advocates new maternity laws for women after having an experience of her own during the delivery of her first child. Also, she is a great leader and this aspect of her is emphasized when she stands up for the rights of women and becomes the first female senator in the US from the state of Minnesota. She is also compassionate as she aids her father quit alcohol and understands the choices of the people as she works for them.

  3. 3

    How is the issue of addiction highlighted in this work?

    In this memoir, Amy highlights the certain events that happen in her life that shape up her persona as a woman leader later in life. As the writer explores her life, the concept of addiction is also examined. In particular, her father is addicted to alcohol and Amy help him get rid of this addiction. Through this act, her compassion and dedication are well brought out and the issue of addiction also presented.

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