The Robbers Literary Elements

The Robbers Literary Elements


Dramatic play


The play was originally written in German but it was then translated into multiple languages.

Setting and Context

The action takes place inside the house of Maximilian of Moor and spans two days.

Narrator and Point of View

Because this is a play, there is no narrator and no point of view. Instead, each character recalls the events they experience through a first-person subjective point of view through their dialogues.

Tone and Mood

The tone and mood in the play is a tense one.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The antagonist is Franz and the protagonist is Karl.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is caused by greed and is what pushes Franz to do everything he can to get his brother's inheritance.


The play reaches its climax when Karl decided to turn himself in.


The play begins with a description of Karl spending recklessly his father's money while his brother Franz is by his father's side doing everything he can to help Maximilian of Moor. Franz openly criticizes his brother and this event is used to foreshadow the later animosity which will appear between the brothers.


At the beginning of the play, the author claims that Karl is the perfect son. This is later proven to be an understatement when Karl is described as someone who is irresponsible and who cannot be trusted with almost anything.


It is alluded to the play that the only reason why Karl is his father's favorite is that he is the firstborn. Apart from being his father's first son, Karl has no redeeming qualities and capabilities to support his father's, undying love.


No important imagery can be found.


One of the most paradoxical ideas in the play is the way in which Karl continues to be his father's favorite even though his actions and behavior are lacking.


A parallel can be drawn between two brothers, Karl and Franz. The two brothers have a similar upbringing but decided to take completely different paths in life. The parallel which is drawn between the two is used here to show that the way in which a person turns out is not given by education completely and that outside factors also have to be taken into consideration.


We have a personification in the line "look at those papers and hear what they scream".

Use of Dramatic Devices

The author used in this play the aside, the dramatic monologue, and stage directions. All these are employed to better describe the environment in which the action of the play takes place and also to reveal details about the characters, such as their true thoughts, feelings, and ideals.

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